Sebi's epic swaggster experince with spooky scary nes cartridge

"oh god" Sebi said. He didn't like spooky cartridges. It was a very spooky cartridge. Totally blood red and stuff so like.
So Sebi did the more smarter choice and bought it. BECAUSE HE'S IS "SO SMART LOL COOKIE 2016 CONFIRMED". He brought it home, it was probably a hack of mario. Some hobo living on the streets gave it to him because it was only 4:19 and he wasn't gonna blaze it yet. Then sebi threw it into his wall and the game started up.
the title screen was called "AHH MARIO EXE SO SPOPY PLS NO PLAY".
it looked like every crappy mario maker level ever.
So sebi turned it off but some how the tv turned on and then killed sebi. When two imaginary figures came in and yelled "OH MY GOD THEY KILLED SEBI"
then they left.